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"If Anyone Is Thirsty,
Let Him Come To Me And Drink."
John 7:37

For those thirsting for more of the Living God,

Jesus still has an open invitation.


We, at The Well in Carmel,

continually pursue a life of "Walking in the Spirit"

and what it means to be saturated with our Lord, Jesus.

"Deep Calls Unto Deep..."
Psalm 42:7

Many in the church don't want the deeper things of God.

But there are always those who desire something more.

And the Holy Spirit is passionately pursuing

those who would hear Him in this hour.


The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.”

And let the one who hears say, “Come.”

And let the one who is thirsty come;

let the one who wishes

take the water of life without cost."

Revelation 22:17


For those longing to lay-hold of the Living God, we extend an invitation.

We invite you to join us as we pursue an ascended life.

We long to be a people who touch Heaven, here on earth.




in the


God's Forgotten

Servant Leaders

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